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A 1994 CNN re­port from the open­ing of “Cal­li­graph­ia USA/USSR,” a joint So­viet-Amer­ic­an ex­hib­i­tion of cal­li­graphy Lili Wronker cur­ated with Max­im Zhukov. Widely regarded as a leading authority on Cyrillic type design, Zhukov enjoyed a prolific and influential career in book design in Russia prior to 1977, when he began his 30-year tenure as the Typographic Coordinator at the UN in New York City.

The ex­hib­i­tion lived a very long life. Be­fore com­ing to the United States in 1992, it was first shown in Mo­scow (from Oc­to­ber 23 to Novem­ber 4, 1990) and next in Kiev, Minsk and oth­er former re­pub­lics of the USSR. It was shipped to Amer­ica where it trav­elled to sev­en loc­a­tions in the US, start­ing with the UN World Headquar­ters in New York City, and later in Michigan, Ok­lahoma, and Cali­for­nia.

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